Sunday, October 26, 2008

sAtUrDAy OcTOber 25th
We had our annual Halloween costume party! Our family was the superman family. We had chili, breadsticks, cup cakes, cookies, salads, and tons of other food! We had a good turn out and alot of fun. It was fun to see everyones kids all dressed up. In our basement we set up our bounch was a good babysitter for the night. We had costume prizes for best theme costume, the scariest and the most original costume. Yes in the picture Garrett is holding a real snake! One of his friends had two snakes for part of his costume( I'm not sure what he was or maybe he just brought the snakes for fun) I dont really like snakes so I didnt want to hold them


Fashion Meets Fitness said...
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Hailey Smoot Kandell said...
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